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Uh Oh... is that Fungus Among Us?

Tim Bruchez
Founder, CTSP & ISA Certified Arborist

Fall 2018... this has been an unusually wet season so far. Wet and cool weather lends a perfect growing opportunity for fungus. Certainly there are benefits that some fungi provide, medicine being one example and mushrooms in a good Italian sauce, another.

However, mushrooms or conks growing on or around the base of our trees is a serious cause for concern. This is often a sign that the wood decaying pathogen is weakening the tree significantly. Mushrooms around the base of a tree can indicate root rot, making a tree unstable. In either case, spotting fungus on your large woody plant should not be taken lightly.

Take a few moments and inspect the area around the base of your trees, the trees trunk, and the limbs and branches in your trees for fungus. Fungus comes in various shapes, colors and sizes. Trees that have fungal growth in the form of mushrooms or conks should be quickly examined by a certified arborist. Most often times, an infected tree will need to be removed. Act quickly on infected trees as fungal infections spread rapidly.

Taking proactive steps can save on serious damage to structures, cars, personal property and can also help to sidestep avoidable injuries or even death.

Do you think your tree(s) may have some health issues, contact us today for a complimentary tree care assessment.